World Of science 1
Matter and Chemicals
All substance matter and 
chemicals from a pin head to a
star are made of atoms. The atoms
join or bond together to form
molecules Atoms and molecules can
separate and join together in
new combinations This is chemical
change Matter exists in three main 
states  solids liquids and gasses.  In addition, Atoms are big things are made of smaller things. For an example, a log cabin is made of the dozen of  logs.  Real Science the reality
however is rather different Science is not always logical and sensible moving forward
in small tried and tested stages. People
have sudden insight and flashes
of insperation that can cause a 
scienfics revalotion. 
Atoms joined together Sometimes atoms
are on their own. At other times they 
join together with other atoms 
to forms group of linked atoms
called molecules these 
are often shown as balland 
stick diagrams or models.
Even Elephant are atoms
Every piece and scrap
of substance or matter 
is made of atoms. That includes
the ground beneath your feet 
trees cars houses computers 